Neurotoxins Treatment in Columbia IL

As you age, your skin loses moisture and elasticity, causing fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and other issues. Fine lines and wrinkles develop around the lines of expression. Total Body Renewal Medical Weight Management and Laser Treatment Center are experts at treating the early signs of aging. You can fight fine lines and wrinkles with one of our neurotoxins, one of the most effective anti-aging weapons available.

What is a Neurotoxin and What it Does

A Neurotoxin is a powerful wrinkle relaxer that is derived from a type of bacteria. Neurotoxins have been rigorously tested and approved by the FDA for anti-aging, and to treat certain medical conditions including chronic migraines. It works by temporarily relaxing and “freezing” the muscles and nerves around the injection site.

Types of Neurotoxin

Neurotoxins are designed to minimize the appearance of common fine lines and wrinkles, including crow’s feet, furrows, marionette lines, and smile lines.  Types of Neurotoxins offered at Total Body Renewal are Botox®, Dysport & Jeuveau, designed specifically to target deep creases, wrinkles, and lines between and around your eyebrows.

What You Can Expect During Neurotoxin Treatment

During your Neurotoxin session, our dermatologist will inject small amounts of neurotoxin using a tiny needle. The injections are well tolerated, and you can request a numbing spray beforehand. Each session takes only a few minutes out of your day.

What You Can Expect After Neurotoxin Treatment

You will notice visible results within 24 to 48 hours after treatment. Fine lines and wrinkles will be reduced, and your skin will appear much smoother and younger-looking. Our dermatologist may recommend maintenance treatments periodically to keep you looking your best.

Renew Your Appearance With Neurotoxins

To find out more about Botox®, Dysport and Jeuveau, and how it can help fight the early signs of aging, call Total Body Renewal Medical Weight Management and Laser Treatment Center in Columbia IL at (618) 719-2011