
What is Emsella?

·Emsella is a revolutionary non-invasive treatment designed to strengthen weakened pelvic floor muscles resulting in reducing incontinence symptoms.

·Research has shown HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) therapy to be more effective than electrostimulation or other traditional non-invasive treatment options, with minimal side effects and no downtime required.

Research has revealed that 95% of people who went through Emsella sessions witnessed considerable improvement in quality of life as well as intimate health after being on the plan for only two weeks. The same study also revealed that the same patients observed and reported enhanced function of their pelvic organs by the end of the third week.


How Does Emsella Work?

·Utilizing high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, the Emsella Chair induces supramaximal contractions to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles of the patient sitting on it.

·The intense muscular activity also results in sustained neuromuscular response which reinforces weak areas of your pelvic floor leading to improved sexual performance and fewer problems associated with incontinence.

·Powered by HIFEM technology, Emsella Chair is much more effective in strengthening pelvic floor muscles than any other alternatives. One 28-minute Emsella session equals 12000 Kegels, strengthening the pelvic floor so you can enjoy improved sexual function and relief from incontinence. Additionally, the increased bladder control also results in improved physical as well as mental health.  



Emsella treatment is a non-invasive option available for women of any age looking to treat stress urinary incontinence, pelvic floor prolapse, and overactive bladder.  Through strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and improving bladder control, this therapy offers relief from symptoms. Emsella treatment improves intimate health but has been shown to bolster sexual satisfaction by augmenting orgasms through strengthening these same pelvic floor muscles.



·The Emsella Chair is equally beneficial for men. This non-invasive treatment option equally helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for men resulting in various benefits including enhanced bladder control and improved erectile function along with reduced incontinence symptoms.  Emsella Treatment has no recovery period or activity restrictions after use. 

EMSELLA Treatment Process

Before Treatment:

An initial consult with one of our providers will determine if Emsella is a good fit and determine a treatment plan. 

During Treatment:

Most people with urinary incontinence notice an improvement in their symptoms after just one Emsella session. This treatment is done once to twice a week for 28 minutes each time and involves sitting on the specialized chair, which uses electromagnetic energy to provide powerful yet pain-free pelvic floor muscle contractions. These sessions do not cause discomfort or distress while providing treatment without disrupting normal daily activities – patients can resume them immediately afterward with no downtime at all.

After Treatment: Maintenance Treatments

After the first Emsella series of six sessions, some patients might need regular maintenance treatments to maintain their results. Studies have shown that the impact of this treatment lasts up to 9-12 months. Touch-up sessions are recommended to be taken every three to six months and can vary on a case-to-case basis. Sticking with a set plan for maintenance helps keep pelvic floor muscles strong and ensures that incontinence symptoms are well controlled.
